Online and Telephone Therapy


Preparing for an Online or Telephone Therapy Session

There are many aspects of working remotely that differ from working face-to-face, here are a few things to consider:

  • Safety and confidentiality

Do you have a space to speak without being overheard or interrupted? Depending on your circumstances, it may be that face-to-face sessions offer a level of privacy and freedom to be open that you may not feel at home.

  • Are online sessions more convenient?

For some, the increased flexibility that virtual sessions may provide (particularly around time and distance), can make therapy more accessible and convenient.

  • Before and after sessions

Face-to-face sessions may involve a commute and potentially, a short interval in a waiting room prior to starting your session. These periods of time are often useful for reflection and can be helpful in both preparing for a session, and processing what may have emerged during therapy after your session is over. How might you arrange a physical space and mentally prepare for a virtual therapy session? What might help you to decompress once you leave the virtual therapy room?

If you have any questions then please feel free to get in touch.